Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Playing Santa is tough work....

So this morning I went to Target and bought this
 a 70 piece wooden train set. It's a good thing I did because when I picked the little one up from school this was in her school bag...

At school this morning the teachers asked each child what they wanted Santa to bring and then wrote it on each of their drawings. Notice her drawing says Choo choo train!
What little girl doesn't want a train set?! 
Hubby and I had discussed the train as a possibility a month ago and decided to hold off on it until her birthday because we know what else she is already getting. Santa is hooking her up! But because she has mentioned it many times and because this is the first year that she is starting to understand Santa and Christmas...
Total sucker I am,  I know!

1 comment:

Aunt Karen said...

The poor child has NOTHING. Will you be making penny muffins for breakfast Christmas morning?!